We need to rally more Americans to support, protect, and defend our God-given rights! To Save America and preserve freedom for the next generation, we must focus on growth!"

- Jason W. Hoyt

A 7-Week Plan to Amplify Your Voice,

Awaken Your Community, & Reclaim Liberty for America


  • Why don't more people support freedom?

  • How can I make a difference?

  • What actions should my church take to help save America?

  • How can I make my family more aware and engaged?

  • Is waiting for the next election enough to bring change?

  • As a freedom-loving American, what steps can I take?

A 7-Week Plan to Amplify Your Voice,

Awaken Your Community,

& Reclaim Liberty for America

A 7-Week Guided Program

+ Online Community

Outside Big Tech's Censorship

Perfect for Individuals, Political Organizations, Home Study-Groups, and the Church

- Sharpen & shift your personal perspective & understanding of America’s foundational principles.

- Grow political influence & hold government accountable.

- No lobbyists, no expensive big media, all grassroots.

- Learn perspectives, techniques, and strategies to impact your community with volunteers for a massive impact.

- Organize, unite, and mobilize grassroots patriots in your county w/ key strategies, tools, techniques, and events.

- The VIP Community includes access for weekly coaching, networking, interactive meetings, implementation strategies, and more.



Alice L. - Texas

Voices Empower, Women on the Wall

"Without any hesitation I highly recommend every American go through this training to protect the next generation. Jason not only brings a wealth of insight and knowledge, he brings it with energy, a smile, and a servant’s heart."


Belinda F. - Florida

President of Pine Hills Republican Women Federated & Candidate for FL State House

"Every church in America should go through this program together. Christians need to stand up and protect our God-given rights before it's too late!"


Maria E. - Florida

Co-Founder of The Remembrance Project

"If you feel overwhelmed by the chaos in America and don't know where to begin, start here with Jason's program. He has packaged his decades of experience and knowledge to strategically direct and re-energize you and your group."

Perfect for Individuals, Political Organizations,

Home Study-Groups, & the Church

Perfect for Individuals,

Political Organizations,

Home Study-Groups, & the Church



- Grow your personal political influence.

- Grow an army of volunteers for the cause of Freedom, Liberty, and Independence.

- Learn strategies for attracting, recruiting, retaining, and nurturing volunteers.

- Reduce dependence on donor and special interest money while maximizing impact.

- Build a sustainable volunteer base that drives meaningful change by harnessing the power of viral volunteer community engagement.

No Lobbyists, All Grassroots

Join the

RegistrationWe have a country to save!
FinalizeOrder the Training Camp Today!

TODAY, you are...

  • Frustrated as chaos in America feels out of control.

  • Watching freedom in America diminish daily.

  • At times, feeling hopeless and overwhelmed.

  • Waiting for relief while being attacked for your beliefs.

  • Losing trust in so-called experts.

  • Feeling insignificant in the political process as your voice has little-to-no impact on your representatives.

With the SAVE AMERICA TRAINING CAMP, you will...

  • Feel confident as things make sense and you're able to explain them to others.

  • Sift through the noise and discern the Truth effectively.

  • Engage with a community of patriots while learning best practices from around the country.

  • See your vote mattering and your political influence growing.

  • Become the go-to influencer among your circles as they seek your political wisdom.

  • Become an effective citizen lobbyist with impactful, sought-after opinions.

  • Know that your role in Saving America is significant and that you're up to the task.

  • Grow a volunteer army around you embodying the power and influence of We The People's voice.

Hosted by Jason W. Hoyt

For two decades, I've been immersed in grassroots political activism, from national elections to local campaigns and issues.

Alongside my activism, I've authored two impactful books: "CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED - The People's Guide to Holding Government Accountable" and "I BELIEVE IN FREEDOM. DON'T YOU? - How to Talk with Family & Friends About Liberty."

In Florida, I've served in various volunteer roles within GOP organizations as well as numerous grassroots campaigns contributing to the political landscape at a local level.

Additionally, I was on the original conference calls that set in motion the nationwide tea party movement back in February 2009. Subsequently, I've helped launch numerous organizations and campaigns at the local, state, and national levels.

Dubbed a political motivator, I've honed my skills as a speaker, strategist, consultant, and coach.


Now, more than ever, we need even more champions of freedom. Drawing from my extensive experience and network of experts, I'm here to empower, train, and recruit others to defend, demand, and vote for freedom effectively.

Let's work together to amplify the voice of We The People, ensuring our impact reverberates louder than ever before.

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Liberty Restoration Publishing, Inc.